
Marketing Mikkeli & South Savo
The key references and resources listed below should be very helpful for those seeking to improve life in their home region:
AGORA Network for Sustainable Tourism Development in the Baltic Sea Region (2008) AGORA Toolbox. Site management & updates by School of Planning, Blekinge Institute of Technology.
Alexander, Christopher, Sara Ishikawa & Murray Silverstein, with Max Jacobson, Ingrid Fiksdahl-King & Shlomo Angel (1977) A Pattern Language: Towns Building Construction. New York: Oxford University Press.
CoolTown Beta Communities (undated) "Crowdsourcing cool places for creatives." Washington, DC: CoolTown Beta Communities (cooltownbeta.com)
CoolTown Studios (website; assorted articles)
European Commission (2003) Green paper: Enterpreneurship in Europe. COM(2003) 27 (21 January 2003; Enterprise Publications) Brussels: Commission of the European Communities.
Florida, Richard (2002) The Rise of the Creative Class. New York: Basic Books.
paperback; ISBN 0465024777
Florida, Richard & Irene Tinagli (2004) Europe in the Creative Age. (February 2004, 48 pages) London: Demos.
FRONTLINE (2001) Merchants of Cool. (Film; 53 minutes), Boston: FRONTLINE / WGBH. (streaming media accessible online at):
Gergils, Håkan (2005) Dynamic Innovation Systems in the Nordic Countries? Stockholm: Studieförbundet Nåringsliv och Samhålle (SNS Förlag; Center for Business and Policy Studies).
Gergils, Håkan (2006) Dynamic Innovation Systems in the Nordic Countries? Volume 2. Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway & Sweden. Stockholm: Studieförbundet Nåringsliv och Samhålle (SNS Förlag; Center for Business and Policy Studies).
Heidenreich, Martin (2004) "The dilemmas of regional innovation systems." in Cooke, Philip, Martin Heidenreich & Hans-Joachim Braczyk (eds.) Regional Innovation Systems. London: Taylor and Francis, pp 363-389.
Klingmann, Anna (2007) Brandscapes: Architecture in the Experience Economy. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Koellreuter, Christoph (2004) "Regional benchmarking and policymaking." BAK - Basel Economics.
Källblad, Emma & Anders Broström (eds.) for the KTH Faculty Board & Vinnova. (2005) The KTH Entrepreneurial Faculty Project. (VINNOVA Report VR 2005:13; November 2005; 132 pages), Stockholm: Vinnova (Swedish Agency for Innovation Systems).
Lambert, Bruce Henry (2000) "Building Innovative Communities: Lessons from Japan's Science City Projects."
EIJS Working Paper No. 107, Stockholm : European Institute of Japanese Studies, (November 2000), 25 pages.
Marginson, Simon (2005) 'There must be some way out of here' A paper about the Yin and Yang of university positioning strategies in the Nelson system. (Keynote address to the Tertiary Education Management conference, Perth, Australia, 27-29 September 2005). Online via:
Marquette Companies & Moser Enterprises, Inc. (2006) Water Street District: A Pattern Book (Naperville, Illinois). (A Town Building Collaborative), Chicago: Romero Cook Design Studio, LLC. (highly-illustrated online document; 39 pages).
Mikunda, Christian (2006) Brand Lands, Hot Spots & Cool Spaces: Welcome to the Third Place and the Total Marketing Experience. (first published 2002 in German: Marketing Spüren: Willkommen am Dritten Ort.) London: Kogan-Page.
Morgan, Nigel, Annette Pritchard & Roger Pride (eds.). (2004) Destination Branding : Creating the unique destination proposition. (Second edition) Oxford: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann.
paperback; ISBN 0750659696
Morse, Suzanne W. (2004) Smart Communities: How Citizens and Local Leaders can use Strategic Thinking to Build a Brighter Future. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
hardback; ISBN 0787965162
NAFSA: Association of International Educators. (2005) The Economic Benefits of International Education to the United States of America: A Statistical Analysis. (analyzed by Lynn Schoch & Jason Baumgartner, Indiana University - Bloomington's Office of International Services).
Oldenburg, Ray (1999) The Great Good Place: Cafés, Coffee Shops, Bookstores, Bars, Hair Salons and Other Hangouts at the Heart of a Community. (original edition 1989), New York: Marlowe & Company.
Oldenburg, Ray (ed.) (2001) Celebrating the Third Place: Inspiring Stories about the "Great Good Places" at the Heart of Our Communities. New York: Marlowe & Company.
Place Branding (journal; Palgrave Macmillan publishers)
Town Builders Collaborative (two websites; assorted research & articles)
Ward, Stephen V. (1998) Selling Places: The Marketing and Promotion of Towns and Cities 1850-2000. London & New York: Spon Press.